Legal Stuff and Anything Else We've Not Told You •Make sure the thing has 4MB of memory, otherwise it will get rowdy and start beating up your other software...which is not a pretty sight, believe me. •Blobs has only been tested on PowerMac machines, but if you're poor and only have a 68K machine, it *should* still work fine...if it doesn't, go and outside and start shouting obscene comments at the top of your voice (this won't necessarily make the thing work, but it will make you feel better). •The music's not too great, believe me...if you want to change it, convert the music you want to use into a QuickTime file, rename it "Music" and drop it into the Blobs folder. •Although we are undeniably wonderful people that everyone loves, we have been known to make mistakes from time to time, so if Blobs screws up your computer...IT'S NOT OUR FAULT 'COZ WE WARNED YA!!! (But don't worry--it shouldn't, because we tested it extensively on our own beautiful computers and nothing happened). •Blobs and all the enclosed files etc. are all ours, so don't let us catch you selling it, distributing it without all the enclosed files, or generally doing anything illegal with it because we know big men who will come round and duff you up if you do. •Blobs is shareware, so pay up or you will only be able to play the first four levels...and you'll have a little nagging voice in your head saying "Register Blobs" which has been known to drive people insane. Want to find out who's responsible for Blobs?? No? Well, it's on the next page!